H into I: DEvolution

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H into I: DEvolution. Toronto: grOnk Intermediate Series #24 (30 September 1984).

Published in an edition of 200 copies on the occasion of his 40th birthday. Cover image is of Fredric March from the 1931 film Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde (dir. Rouben Mamoulian). Nichol includes the note in the colophon: "Its worth pointing out that to go from J to H one has to go thru I."





About H into I: DEvolution

Known Dates

Publication Date: September 30, 1984

Known Contributors



Genres: Chapbooks

Tags: grOnk

Archived File

Digitized by: gbetts, June 12, 2017

License Holder(s)

The Estate of bpNichol

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